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Drowning in debt and struggling to stay sober, Francis (Frank Red) is coming undone. When his roommate, Shelly (Becky Killerson), a trans sex worker with her own addictions, goes missing, Francis joins an effort to find her and unwittingly enlists in a criminal network operated by Shelly’s Pimp, Vic (Jordan Curtis). He is thrown headlong into her private world and nightmarish past. Guided by Barry (Denzel Moore), a mid-level enforcer, secrets are exposed and tensions mount. Soon, a search for Shelly devolves into striving for meaning in the face of oblivion. This ensemble drama explores themes of capitalist greed and toxic masculinity within the context of a procedural crime-drama. 

Based on an award winning screenplay by Maxwell Dayton Hammel and inspired by real events the film draws heavily from the filmmakers' and actors' own experiences not only in pursuit of authentically depicting mid-western crime and poverty but also in an effort to honestly represent and better communicate with the under-served communities. Filmed entirely on location in Minnesota, "Road to Damascus" is director Anthony G. Perkins' debut feature film.

(Submitting to Festivals 2023-2024)

When an aging Father can no longer keep his prize winning horse in its stable, he tries to ask his estranged Son for help the only way he knows how- by revealing his secret shame. 

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Everyone's gotta start somewhere. Get to know our team through their earliest student projects.
Though rough around the edges, these shorts shine with potential.

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